Baran Energy Internship Experience

My experiences as a Hardware Engineer Intern in Baran Energy.

This internship was done in my 7th semester of undergraduate study.

About Baran Energy

Baran Energy (PT. Aldebaran Rekayasa Cipta) is an Indonesian startup that focuses on developing energy storage systems, electric motorcycles and an agriculture division named Baran Farm. The company office is located in Foresta Business Loft, BSD City.

My Experience

Baran Energy marked my inaugural internship experience, initially met with nerves as I embarked on this new chapter. However, the nurturing atmosphere and camaraderie within the team swiftly alleviated any apprehensions. I was fortunate to be assigned to the Baran Farm division, working alongside Nicholas Sanjaya, a fellow university peer. Our collaboration extended to engaging with both the backend-frontend team and the agricultural specialist, Mr. Agung.

One of the many research performed in the internship. From left to right: Mr. Agung, Nicholas and me

I was given the responsibility of developing a hydroponics automation system as part of a project. This system was designed to regulate plant nutrition and dispense nutrients and water based on user specifications. Collaborating with Mr. Agung, we conducted extensive research to understand the project requirements and limitations. Subsequently, I focused on designing the software while my colleague Nicholas tackled the hardware aspect. Together, we constructed a prototype and conducted testing under the guidance of Mr. Agung.

I received invaluable feedback on the system from various sources including my company supervisor, Mr. Natanael, the head of division, Mr. Iqbal, and my university supervisor, Mr. Surya. I am immensely grateful for their guidance and support throughout this endeavor.

Throughout the development process, we conducted regular tests to assess the stability and performance of the system. The ultimate evaluation of the system’s effectiveness was conducted using real plants within a hydroponic setup. The project was then presented as part of the university internship assessment, showcasing the practical application and outcomes of our work.


I am profoundly thankful to Baran Energy, both its company and its people, for the invaluable internship experience I gained while collaborating on the development of the hydroponics automation system. This opportunity not only allowed me to contribute to a meaningful project but also expanded my understanding of the world beyond the confines of campus. Engaging in discussions and occasional debates with individuals outside my usual circle challenged me to think critically and approach problems from diverse perspectives.

Completing this internship fills me with a sense of achievement, leaving me with a network of exceptional professionals and a solid foundation for my future endeavors. The lessons learned and the memories created during this internship will undoubtedly shape my career path in a positive direction.

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