Daun Pintar Hardware Engineer Work Experience

My experiences as a Hardware Engineer in Daun Pintar.

About Daun Pintar

Daun Pintar is a hydroponics automation system startup founded in 2022. Daun Pintar has released 2 lines of products: the H-series for small scale hydroponics and the G-series for larger scale hydroponics.

My Experience

Mr. Iqbal, the head of division at Baran Farm, founded Daun Pintar. Following my internship at Baran Energy, Mr. Iqbal extended a job offer to me, Nicholas, and Mr. Agung to join Daun Pintar. Leveraging our collective expertise, we devised a new, advanced and robust hydroponics automation system. I created an updated nutrition control system, incorporating additional features while prioritizing user-friendly design, and integrating it with a mobile application.

A selfie in the office

A few noteworthy experiences during my tenure at this company included conducting tests at Agro Edu Wisata Ragunan, a government-owned agricultural education park, and making sales to a farm in Kalimantan. These interactions provided valuable feedback from individuals external to our organization. The challenging real-world conditions we encountered during testing prompted us to reassess our problem-solving approach, offering valuable insights for further development.


During my time at Daun Pintar, I gained numerous invaluable lessons, including the significance of open discussion, meticulous problem-solving, and the user’s responsibility. Unfortunately, my tenure was shortened due to academic commitments. Nonetheless, I feel a sense of achievement and gratitude for the enriching experience gained during my time with the company.

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